How to Have an Amazing European Holiday on a Budget

If you’re planning to take a European holiday, you’re likely aware of just how much work you have ahead of you. Whether you’re only planning to stay for a week in the best hotels in London or you’re feeling ambitious and want to backpack through the 28 member states of the European Union, getting from hotel to hotel, sight to sight, and back home again is going to take time, effort, and a considerable amount of money.
While you can’t do anything about the amount of time and effort your European holiday will use up, you can certainly reduce costs and streamline the process. With our guide to having a great European vacation, you’ll not only have the time of your life, but you’ll also be able to save some serious money.
- You’ll Need a Passport
- Buy a Train Ticket to Match Your Ambitions
- If You Need to Fly, Bundle Airfare with Hotels
- Learn Some Survival Phrases
No matter where you’re going, leaving your home country means you’ll need a passport. In most of Europe, you aren’t likely to need anything beyond a passport, thanks to the visa-waiver agreements between the many members of the EU. However, if you plan to travel to Russia, increasingly considered part of Eastern Europe, then you will need to apply for a visa as well. As Independent Traveler writes, a passport can take a few weeks to arrive but visas can take months. Plan accordingly.
As any European knows, making use of the continent’s extensive rail systems is the cheapest and most convenient way to get around. To get the most bang for your buck, you need to consider how many countries you plan to visit and how long you plan to be adventuring through the EU. Consider, Eurail sells a single country pass, which is only good for a few days, for $52. On the other hand, you can get access to 24 countries, most of the EU, for $420 in a “global pass” that’s good for at least two weeks. Choose the ticket that fits your needs and you can save a lot of cash.
If you’re flying into Europe from the United States or elsewhere, consider bundling your airfare with your hotel accommodations. Not only is this an extremely convenient way to make your plans, but CNN Travel writes that it’s an easy way to cut 20% off the cost of your trip.
You have to keep in mind that you’re potentially going to travel through 28 different countries on your European holiday. While many people will speak English, whether you’re in the UK, France, Italy, or elsewhere, if you find yourself hiking through more remote parts of different countries, you’ll only encounter their native languages. Try studying some survival phrases before you leave for your trip; “Hello,” “where is the bathroom?” and “I need a doctor” are all extremely helpful phrases to learn.
If you’re planning to take a European holiday, keep these tips in mind. Doing so, you can save yourself a good bit of money, make sure you can get wherever you want to go, and help yourself break through the communication barrier. Happy travels! More.